Our first book draws attention to the entrepreneurs of rural Chile, who live in the rough environment of Región de Aysén, Patagonia. They overcome challenges which, to many people in the industrialised world would seem like 'problems of the past'...isolation, snow storms, lethal winds, no means of communication, few commodity or food stores in the vicinity...yet they are literally building a tourism industry from scratch and their entrepreneurial energy is vital to the sustainable development of this region, which has been connected to the world through infrastructure projects very recently. ​​​​​​​
We created a unique book for them...with their photos and videos, which are accessible in the internet through QR codes in the book.... a handcrafted book with real stories... a book to hold on to... with a distinct digital quality to it.
Curious to know more about the projects of the rural entrepreneurs above? Then click the button below and dive right in...
Books changed the world. They enabled us to accumulate knowledge over generations, to maintain a collective memory and to improve on it. The messages they carried toppled governments and changed societies. Book binding, the craft of making a book, was essential for our progress until... we turned paperless. Nowadays, knowledge resides in a virtual space: the internet. We still read, but we do so on the phone, tablet or laptop.

Has the physical book, has bookbinding become obsolete?

No, is our answer. Books still have a role to play, ESPECIALLY in a world that is flooded with easily accessible knowledge in the internet, superficial messages, fake news, selfies and random posts on social media. In a time of endless scrolling on a mobile phone, jumping from one unfinished topic to another, A WELL CRAFTED BOOK, with carefully chosen content, can focus our attention on topics that genuinely deserve our time. 
Bookbinding was a craftsmanship in the past. As art, it still has a role to play today: to create books, which act as anchors for the content of the digital age.
We combine artistic book binding with digital photography and videography to create unique books. Our books act as a bridge between the good of the past and the great of the future.​​​​​​​
Leonardo Cancino Figueroa: Binder & Gilder
Leonardo is an expert in typographic and offset printing machinery as well as in digitalisation and diagramming of images and photographs.
He graduated in Graphic Arts from Salesian Office School - Don Bosco in 2012 and three years later he added a degree in Art Binding: History and Methods, taught at the Finis Terrae University, Faculty of Arts under tutelage of current bookbinder and master Mariano Muñoz Hidalgo (Bookbinder School of Art, Barcelona - Marmoler - Teacher) and Vélez Celemín (office Madrid).
Leornardo founded Trueno Binding, a project that aims to promote artistic binding with workshops, courses, laboratories, artistic works, restorations and repairs of books, bibles, magazines among others. He also acts as a facilitator of collaborative projects with artists related to bookbinding and art...marbling, gilding, illustrating, calligraphing.
His binding style emphasises the mixture and experimentation with classic and modern style. He works with orthodox methods and instruments using contemporary materials: leather, synthetic substrates, recyclable papers, gold, embossing, woodcuts, monographs, linographs and digitalized images, photographs.
His works have been used in various spaces and platforms for example at the First Symposium of Artistic Binding in Santiago (2018), in various  graphic arts fairs of his home country Chile and have been sold to clients in Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, France, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Mexico and Bolivia.
Stéphane Pierre Arie Gartner: Photographer & Impact Entrepreneur
Capturing the magic of a place from different angles and perspectives is my passion. The sum of the details, which are often overlooked, form this magic. The humming bee, the busy ant, the resident owl, even the little flower with the exquisite view on the waterfall from the frog perspective are the protagonists that will not escape me when I go out to capture the magic of a place at 360°.
I live in Belgium and escape to southern Africa or Patagonia whenever I can. As an impact entrepreneur I use photography to document my work and to raise awareness on pertinent issues.
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